Wednesday, May 30, 2012

"Creating Space"

By Zoe

"The intense prayer of the righteous is very powerful"
James 5:16

Three weeks ago, my friend Emilia shared with me that she and a group of people had been getting together at Bridge Church for morning prayer. She invited me to join her sometime that week. When I asked what time they meet in the morning, she responded, "4:30-7:00 a.m." Yes, 4:30 in the MORNING! I was like, "Are you crazy?!" Someone else in the conversation added jokingly, "God isn't even awake at that time!"

I have to confess that I am NOT a morning person so the thought of me waking up at 4:00 a.m. for anything other than an emergency, well, it was just not on my agenda. Did you catch that? "My" agenda. I didn't stop to think that it may be in "God's agenda" for me.

A few days later my family and I went to visit Bridge Church for the very first time. We went to their Sunday morning 10:00 a.m. service. Yes, 10:00 a.m. was more doable for me than 4:00 a.m.! The message that day was on creating space. It was titled, "Got Space? I have it. He wants it." We create space (spend time) for people and things we value. Who do you spend time with? What things, events, activities, and people do you "create space" for? I was challenged by these questions and they moved me to assess and evaluate "what" and "who" I am creating space for in my life.

Well I have come to learn that God has a good sense of humor. The moment we say "never", He says "now". On the same Sunday that I visited Bridge Church, before I went to bed that night, I found myself reflecting on this "creating space" concept and finally surrendering to God's agenda. I found myself saying the following words, "Ok Lord, You made me and You know I really am NOT a morning person. I am not even going to set up an alarm clock. If You wake me up before 4:00 a.m.tomorrow morning, I will go to Bridge for morning prayer". I then went on to bed. A few hours later, one of my dogs woke me up so I could let him out. Dragging myself out of bed (well not literally, but you know what I mean), I walked down the stairs and toward the patio door, half asleep. As I walked toward the patio door, I happened to glance at the clock. It was 3:43 a.m.! At that moment, I could do nothing but chuckle and, as I looked up to the sky, I said, "Ok Lord, I told you if you woke me up before 4:00 a.m. I would go. I'm going!" So I got dressed and off to Bridge I went! I'm telling you, God has a sense of humor.

 I can honestly tell you that in my 40 years of life, I have never been motivated to wake up at 4:00 a.m. for ANYTHING! But the moment I stepped foot into Bridge Church 3 weeks ago for morning prayer, little did I know that God was about to rock my world. I haven't stopped going to morning prayer since the first time I went. Throughout the last 3 weeks, God has brought me to a higher and deeper level of intimacy with Him that I had never experienced before.

We gather at Bridge Church every morning from 4:30-7:00 be in God's presence and to pray for the nations, to pray for our country, to pray for the men and women who fight for our freedom, to pray for our city, to pray for our government, and to pray for each other. It has been an amazing experience. The time we spend there, the people, and the testimonies are encouraging, inspiring, and empowering. What an amazing group of faithful prayer warriors, sacrificing sleep in an effort to "create space" for God and to humbly bring before Him, in prayer and with thanksgiving, the needs of others. We have a desire in our hearts to "create space" for the One who is our refuge and strength (Psalm 46:1).

Prayer is simply having a conversation with God. And the power in prayer is not even on the prayer itself, but on the One we pray to. When we humbly come into His presence, He reveals Himself to us and we begin to see who He is. We begin to see Him for “Who” He is rather than for “what” He can do for us. He loves us and wants to have an intimate relationship with us. He is a gentleman, therefore, He doesn't force His way into our hearts. He waits until we invite Him in. Once we have taken that step, He meet us right where we are. We don't have to "fix" ourselves before we can come to Him. He IS the Fixer! In the midst of our storms and brokenness, He lifts us up, He carries us, and He RESTORES what has been broken. He takes what is broken and molds it into a beautiful masterpiece. He may bend us, but He wont break us because of His faithful love which endures forever.

 Three weeks ago I surrendered to God's agenda for me to join the 4:30 a.m. daily prayer group. I have been going every day since then. Through the faithful prayers of committed prayer warriors, I have witnessed “miracles, signs and wonders performed through the name of God's holy Servant Jesus” (Acts 4:30).

I invite anyone with a desire to experience God's presence and with a desire to have a higher level of intimacy with Him, to join us. We would love to see you, pray for you and your loved ones, and pray for any specific needs you may have at this time. I can confidently say, you will be blessed and you will never be the same. We were not created to walk life's journey alone. We were created for relationship; relationship with our Creator and relationship with each LOVE and ENCOURAGE each other along the way.

Who and what do you "create space" for? I challenge you to create space for 4:30 a.m. prayer and see what happens!! God wants to bless you.

Heavenly Father, please give me wisdom and strength to create space for You by surrendering completely to Your agenda for me. Help me to trust You with all my heart and not rely on my own understanding; in all my ways to acknowledge You, and You will direct my paths. In Jesus' name, Amen and thank You Lord.

Is today gonna be a David or a Goliath kind of day?

By Martin

            Your morning starts like every other morning.  The alarm clock goes off, child jumps on the bed, the neighbor starts his lawnmower, or whatever wakes you up in the morning.  Once awake, you begin your morning routine and then it hits you…….today is {fill in the blank}.  Perhaps today is going to be the start of finals, first day on the job, your day in court, or another day at your dreaded dead-end job. 

            How are you looking at the day ahead?  Is it too big for you to handle?  Are you in fear of what is in store?  Today is just too much for any one person to handle; at least that is how you perceive it to be.  That was how the Israelites saw Goliath.  Even by today’s standards, Goliath was a giant.  He was strong, skilled in the art of war and killing, and very intimidating just to look at. 

That is how you are looking at your day.  You are afraid to face the inevitable.  The scenarios you are creating in your head is only makes it worse.  What if {blank} happens?  What if I {blank}?  What if ….?  These questions control your mind as you scare yourself into submission.  You are going to have to face today whether you want to or not.  In the same way, someone had to face Goliath.

            All of the men of the Israelite army were so terrified of what might happen that they wouldn’t even try.  But one man decided that he would make a stand.  David was not a soldier.  He wasn’t even a strong man.  David was the smallest brother in his family.  He had no training in the art of war.  But David had something that none of the other men had; belief that he would not have to face Goliath alone.

            God tells us time and time again, that when we accept and believe in Him, we will never again have to face our problems alone. 

  • “Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9) 
  • “The One who sent Me is with Me.  He has not left Me alone…..” (John 8:29)
  • “An hour is coming, as has come, when each of you will be scattered to his own home, and you will leave Me alone.  Yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me.” (John 16:32)

            David knew that even though Goliath was a giant, he would not have to face him alone.  David was skilled at throwing stones with his sling; most likely from his experience as a Sheppard.  Even with this skill, he still relied on God to give him the strength to strike quickly and accurately. 

            God will give you the same strength to face whatever problem lies before you today.  Ask Him to be with you today.  Lay your burdens upon Him and He will carry you through the fire. Do not sit in fear of what could go wrong today.  Face your day head-on knowing God’s got your back.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

"Be devoted to one another in love.
Honor one another above yourselves"
Romans 12:10

It was hard rolling out of bed this morning but off to Bridge Church we went this morning at 5:00 a.m. for morning prayer. Three kids (oh yea, they go too!) & Bible (my WEAPON of choice) at hand...Off to Bridge Church to pray for the nations, to pray for our nation, to pray for our city, to pray for our government, to pray for the church as a whole, and to pray for each other.

It's going to be a great day!!

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