By Martin
Your morning starts like every other morning. The alarm clock goes off, child jumps on the bed, the neighbor starts his lawnmower, or whatever wakes you up in the morning. Once awake, you begin your morning routine and then it hits you…….today is {fill in the blank}. Perhaps today is going to be the start of finals, first day on the job, your day in court, or another day at your dreaded dead-end job.
How are you looking at the day ahead? Is it too big for you to handle? Are you in fear of what is in store? Today is just too much for any one person to handle; at least that is how you perceive it to be. That was how the Israelites saw Goliath. Even by today’s standards, Goliath was a giant. He was strong, skilled in the art of war and killing, and very intimidating just to look at.
That is how you are looking at your day. You are afraid to face the inevitable. The scenarios you are creating in your head is only makes it worse. What if {blank} happens? What if I {blank}? What if ….? These questions control your mind as you scare yourself into submission. You are going to have to face today whether you want to or not. In the same way, someone had to face Goliath.
All of the men of the Israelite army were so terrified of what might happen that they wouldn’t even try. But one man decided that he would make a stand. David was not a soldier. He wasn’t even a strong man. David was the smallest brother in his family. He had no training in the art of war. But David had something that none of the other men had; belief that he would not have to face Goliath alone.
God tells us time and time again, that when we accept and believe in Him, we will never again have to face our problems alone.
- “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
- “The One who sent Me is with Me. He has not left Me alone…..” (John 8:29)
- “An hour is coming, as has come, when each of you will be scattered to his own home, and you will leave Me alone. Yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me.” (John 16:32)
David knew that even though Goliath was a giant, he would not have to face him alone. David was skilled at throwing stones with his sling; most likely from his experience as a Sheppard. Even with this skill, he still relied on God to give him the strength to strike quickly and accurately.
God will give you the same strength to face whatever problem lies before you today. Ask Him to be with you today. Lay your burdens upon Him and He will carry you through the fire. Do not sit in fear of what could go wrong today. Face your day head-on knowing God’s got your back.
Right on Honey! Thank you for the encouragement. I love you.