There is a song out by Casting Crowns called Courageous, used in the movie by the same name. If you haven’t seen the movie Courageous, I would highly recommend that you see it. It is a great movie!!
But, I am
not talking about the physical courage. Sure, in the movie they are police officers
and they have to show courage in the line of duty. Or, the man who fended off the would-be auto
thief to protect his son. I understand
the physical courage that men need, but that is something that is built into us
instinctively. No, the movie was really
about having integrity.
“Where are
you, you men of courage?” Men of courage
are everywhere. We were designed by God
to willingly die for our family. It went
along with the theme of the movie, I get it.
But, it was more like, ‘Where are you, you men of integrity?’ It doesn’t have the same ring to it, but it
encompasses more of what he was trying to say.
In the
movie, the main characters made the decision to resolve to be the best men they
could be; beyond reproach. Of course,
just as in our sinful nature, one of the men was unable to keep to the
pledge. And that is the problem that we
all face every day. To do what is right,
even when no one else is looking, and even if it is frowned upon.
It is so
easy to fall prey to our sinful nature.
We make excuses for it. And, we
even find ways to justify our actions so we may continue to do them. Why?
Because we are merely carrying out our sinful nature’s desire. That is where I ask, “Where are you, you men
of integrity? It is easy to muster up
the courage to stand-up to a bully. But,
it’s not so easy to say no when we really want to say yes. It’s not so easy when you know no one else
will find out. ‘It will only be this one
time!’ It’s never just that one time, is
Will you be
the one beacon of light in the dark night?
Or, will you be a whisper in the storm?
It is easy to do what it right, when it is the in-thing to do. But, are you willing to do what is right when
it could cost you your job? Your
friendship? Your marriage?
I challenge you, that for the rest of the summer you resolve to be a man of integrity. Commit to do what is right….always and not just when it is convenient or easy. Commit to not looking the other way because you want to get along. Commit to being the man God has called you to be. Be a man of integrity.
“A man who endures trials is blessed, because when he passes
the test he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who
love Him.” James 1:12
“So we must not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at
the proper time if we don’t give up.” Galatians 6:9
“Have I not commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord
your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
Father, I pray for
every man who reads this to be a man after Your own heart. I pray that when faced with a difficult
decision, that you will be with them.
Father, guide our steps and decisions.
We are the heads of our household, and we will choose to follow
you. Lord, please help those men who are
struggling. The men who know it is
wrong, but don’t know how to stop it.
How to face the problems that have been created. Be with those men who are lost and
considering suicide as a way out.
Father, you know our hearts for you created us. You know what we need to be the best that we
can be. Give us your guidance that we
may know which way to go. We cannot lead
when we ourselves are lost. So Father,
please be with us that we may correct our ways, to lead our families, and
strengthen our nation.
I love you Father and I thank you for the gift of eternal life. I know it won’t be easy, but I also know that I won’t have to go it alone. Thank you Father for being there for me, especially when I didn’t deserve it.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
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